Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Greetings!  I know I just wrote an update yesterday, but today also calls for an update. 

My little family and I made a trip to our main pet store today (MochaPet, Hillard, Ohio).  Here is a list of the loot we brought home!

1 Turkey Baster (For minor maintenance in the QT)
1 Pack of Biomax (Brings me to two)
          For those of you that don't know Biomax is a substance that goes into your filter, and provides extra
          space for good bacteria to grow on. 
1 Foam cooler (for fish transport)
1 Pack of frozen blood worms (for the fish to eat)
1 Battery powered air stone
         We got this airstone because it is portable, and will make it much easier to use during acclimation than
         having to take the one from the QT all the time.  If you noticed in my earlier post when I acclimated
         my Dwarf Gourami (Akio- Japanese for 'bright boy') I did not use an air stone.  I was kindly reminded
         on the forum that I am linked to that this is baaad.  The fish could have died from lack of O2. 
Annnnnd the big purchase of the day was...............................................................
20 NEON TETRAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yes I love these little boogers.  After seeing how small these guys actually are I now know that 20 is just a too insignificant number for my 55g tank.  One step at a time though. 

The tetras and Akio are getting along just fine as of now.  I gave them one full cube of blood worms earlier and they feasted.  It was funny watching the little tetras swimming around with half a worm sticking out of their mouths. 

As far as my research goes on these guys they were said to be quite shy.  So far the only thing that bothers them are rather quick movements when you approach the tank.  Other than that they are swimming right out in the open.  Of course this may very well be due to the fact that I have 20 of them.  The more you have the safer they feel. 

Another thing, as I was observing the fish earlier I noticed a small snail crawling up the side of the glass....  SOOOO it looks like I AM going to have to buy an Assassin Snail after all (it will kill the others).  I'd rather have one snail than millions.  The only thing I can figure is that they were brought in on the plants I bought, and were just too small to be seen until now.  Those of you who want no snails at all I strongly advise washing your plants before you put them into your tank. 

While I was at the pet store I received a compliment from the fish manager (who really does seem to know her stuff).  I had been talking to her for about a half hour, and I apologized for taking up her time.  She said to this, "Oh that's okay.  It's nice to talk to someone who actually knows something about fish."  Made me feel special!

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